poppy seeds | Family kitchen

Gluten-free poppy seed cake with lemon glaze
2013 04 10 / Šeimos Virtuvė
For those, who still have left poppy seeds from Christmas. For those, who is seeking gluten-free cake. For those, who adore poppy seeds and lemon combination (it’s really worth trying!). This cake is really delicious, despite it contains only a few ingredients. I used 17cm diameter form, but original suggested to use 19cm diameter form. You should decide what size you will choose by yourself 🙂
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Poppy seed zucchini muffins
2010 10 04 / Šeimos Virtuvė
If you still have zucchini, you should bake these muffins. They are moist as all baking with zucchini, but poppy seed gives some new flavour.
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