beans | Family kitchen

White beans and dried tomato salads
Once I made these salads and it was something new. Maybe it tasted not so usual to us, but it was really good. And now I made these salads for four times and they still disappear very quickly. So I save the recipe here and recommend to try them you too.
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Bean salads with pickles and sausage
Again my refrigerator is empty, so I boiled some beans. Now for a few days we enjoy them with meat or vegetable stew, or with pasta, or just simply with fried onions and tomatoes. Today I decided to make this salads. I’ve made them before and it left good memories, so I guess it’s time to show them for you too. Today I made them with my proportions, so this is how I liked them most. We ate all four, and everyone liked them. Just to mention, I used some smoked ham and I really recommend to use it too. It gives strong but good taste.
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads
They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).
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Tortilla rolls with meat and beans
This dish was prepared very long time ago. I even thought to delete photos because I couldn’t find from which book I chose it. But accidentally this week I found it, so in hurry to put it in here. In spite I prepared this dish long time ago, I still remember that it is quick and very easy. So suits for quick dinner perfectly.
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White beans soup
Simple things are good things 🙂 I can’t argue with this. This soup is perfect for warming after cold day. Products are simple and almost all are in our fridge or pantry. Just don’t forget to boil beans a day before and you’ll prepare this soup very quickly.
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Chili con carne
Mexican minced meat and bean chilli. Can be prepared very quickly. We were afraid that beans will blanket out other ingredients, but we were wrong and I am glad about that. We wanted something hot, and we got it 🙂
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