
White beans, tomato and cucumber salads

  • White beans, tomatoes and cucumber salads
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White beans, tomato and cucumber salads

Author: Aušra


We paid the last money for our car repair. What could we do… We can not walk to the office. So now we are trying to live with the food we have in house and have as much as possible less expenditure. At these moments we start to look for food in every corner in cupboards and I found there a few cans with beans. So I decided that for lunch we should have salads. At the moment I didn’t have any fantasy so I looked for the recipe in my archive. And this salads required everything I had. So I didn’t hesitate and in 5 minutes all work was done. They came out very refreshing, filling and fast. Even the kids liked it, and my son said that these salads are even better than normal (he almost every time says that the meal is just normal).

White beans, tomato and cucumber salads

Time needed:
Yields: 2 servings
Calories: 241 kcal / serving


  • 1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2-3 spring onions
  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsps. oil
  • salt
  • peppers
  • greens (dill, parsley)


  • Cut cucumbers and tomatoes in cubes.
  • Chop onions and greens.
  • Carefully mix everything in a bowl.
  • Season to taste.
  • Enjoy!

Source: О себе, о жизни, о вкусном…

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