
Prawns salads

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Prawns salads

Author: Aušra


Perfect refreshing salads. You will prepare them in minutes and the taste will be grate, of course if you like prawns 🙂

Prawns salads

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 279 kcal / serving


  • 200 g frozen peas
  • 200 g fresh cucumbers
  • 400 g shelled prawns
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 100 g low-fat mayonaisse
  • 1 tbsp. horseradish
  • salt
  • fresh dills to garnish


  • Boil some water and pour it over frozen peas. Let sit a minutes, then pour off the water, peas should be defrosted (don’t keep in hot water for too long, because warm salads are not so delightful).
  • Peel cucumbers and cut in to cubes.
  • In a bowl mix cucumber, peas and prawns.
  • Mix left ingredients and prepare the sauce.
  • Pour it over salads and lightly mix.
  • Serve in a bin bowl or in the glasses. Garnish with dills.

Source: Lengvi receptai III (Laisvos valandos, 2009)

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