strawberry | Family kitchen

Strawberry smoothie with quinoa
I do not know how it is in your family, but in mine quinoa didn’t find its way to our stomach. On the other hand, I should say, until now. Because no recipes that I have tried before were enjoyed, and this smoothie was gone quicker than I said “It’s with quinoa”. So the next day I made it again, and ask if anyone wants to drink it, and both kids shouted “YES!!!”. Therefore, you understand why I add this smoothie recipe here
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Cinnamon chips with fruit salsa
Dessert came out really good. Someone put fruit salsa on cinnamon chips, someone ate fruit salsa with teaspoon next to the cinnamon chips. Kids ate all leftovers and looked for more cinnamon chips, but unfortunately… they were all gone.
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Strawberry Milk
This drink now is number one for my kids! When I ask do they want strawberry milk, every time they start to jump shouting “YES! YES! YES!”, and then drinking adds “Tastiness!” 🙂 So this is how small efforts give big joy for kids. And this is really simple just strawberry syrup with milk. But very effective! Really 🙂
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Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness
Refreshing and easy dessert with the last strawberries. To say the truth, I prepared double portion so I had to use wild strawberries too in companion with strawberries. Definitely I will prepare this dessert with other berries or fruits. This recipe is from my children recipe archive. So if you add mild and sweet fruit, you can surely sweeten kids stomach. Just I really recommend to chill before serving – because then cream becomes stronger.
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Strawberry milkshake
Easy and quick milkshake to remember summer. I’m very sad that it ended so quickly. Hope the autumn will be sunny and with lots of dry yellow leaves.
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