
Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness

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Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness

Author: Aušra


Refreshing and easy dessert with the last strawberries. To say the truth, I prepared double portion so I had to use wild strawberries too in companion with strawberries. Definitely I will prepare this dessert with other berries or fruits. This recipe is from my children recipe archive. So if you add mild and sweet fruit, you can surely sweeten kids stomach. Just I really recommend to chill before serving – because then cream becomes stronger.

Fruit and cottage cheese dessert Softness

Time needed:
Yields: 2 servings
Calories: 211 kcal / serving

1 cup = 237 ml

  • 200 g fruits or berries
  • 1 cup natural yoghurt
  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 1,5-2 tbsps. sugar


  • All ingredients, except berries or fruits, put in blender and mix till smooth consistency.
  • If berries (at this moment strawberries) or fruits are big, chop to small chunks.
  • Mix more than half of berries/fruits with the cream.
  • Devide dessert to nice bowls and decorate with leftover berries/fruits.
  • Chill well and enjoy!

Source: unknown magazine about children nursing

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