rhubarb | Family kitchen

Cream cheese dessert with rhubarbs
I made this dessert last year several times. But I was late to add recipe here, so it waited quietly for today.
I found the soft sourness of rhubarb very very delicious with cream cheese cream. Others also liked it a lot. This year rhubarbs in my garden has grown and this weekend I am going to repeat again this dessert.

Rhubarb ice cream
This is the best ice cream that I have ever made – this is what said my hubby. But I prepare ice cream rarely, so maybe he just doesn’t remember other ice cream taste 🙂 Anyway, these ice cream is very delicious because of mild sourness of rhubarbs and strawberries gives very nice pink colour.
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Creamy rhubarb pie
This pie I caked in the beginning of this summer, but still in supermarket I saw rhubarbs, so maybe you still have some at home too. This pie is not very sweet. Next time I think I’ll double sugar in the filling or use less rhubarbs. But anyway, when this pie was cold kids and adults enjoyed it a lot!
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Chicken with Baked Rhubarb
I do as always – I add recipe here only when rhubarb season is over. Even if I prepared this in the beginning of the season. But this dish is suitable for those who like sweet and sour food and for those who like meat with fruits. In the baked chicken we tasted rhubarb only a little bit, and the whole chicken taste was great. Also, I blended baked rhubarbs and served as the sauce – it was really delicious for me and my daughter.
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Cottage cheese cake with apples
For me cottage cheese and apples looked like a strange duet, but something kept pushing me to try this recipe. And the cake is juicy and refreshing but also not very sweet. It’s really good. 🙂
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Coffee-cake Tosca with rhubarbs
>One more recipe from the book Simple recipes III. There are three books published in this serie. And almost all recipes that I”ve tried were really simple and were admited by my family. This cake is really late, because rhubarbs season ended long time ago. But my coworkers liked it – cake disappeared in half an hour 🙂 So next year I will really repeat it, and only next time I will bake top a little bit more – to get really brown top.
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Muffins with rhubarbs and walnuts
At last this hear I grew some rhubarbs. And baked this muffins in June, but they appear on my blog only now. Sorry 🙂 These muffins are soft and I recommendto bake them in paper forms. I sprinkled some with cinnamon mixture, some didn’t. My hubby decided that with cinnamon is better. And I, cinnamon lover, can’t disagree with him 🙂
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Strawberry and rhubarb cake
It’s very bad when you don’t write the recipe in the blog after you eat the cake 🙂 Then you have to look for the recipe for a few days. I baked this cake when we were going to the village and strawberries were still in the season. It had to be all strawberry, but I had no time so I use rhubarbs as they were near me. Rhubarb and strawberry combination isn’t new – it fits perfectly. And the texture of the cake is more like sponge than a teacake. I liked it very much.
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Rhubarb pie
This year at last we planted rhubarb in our garden ? No one missed it, just me. This year it was young, so I used it all in this pie. Everything was in its place – mild sourness, a little bit of sweetness. Hmmm we liked it very much 🙂
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