
Puff pastry cookies with poppyseed

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Puff pastry cookies with poppyseed

Author: Aušra


As always I give to myself big good promises, but at the end happens what happens. I say to myself that every year I will empty my freezer till April, but guess what? It still has something inside 🙂 One of the good things kept there was puff pastry. Yes… four packages 🙂 So in three days they were all used. And these cookies helped me a lot, because I already baked them twice. They are addictive, I could see this in my office – big plate was empty in an hour, and there was only four girls, and everything is because you can not go near cookies and don’t take one 🙂

Puff pastry cookies with poppyseed

Time needed:
Yields: 60 cookies
Calories: 34 kcal / cookie


  • 250 g puff pastry (I liked with yeasted puff pastry more)
  • 2-3 tbsps. oil
  • 2-3 tbsps. sugar
  • 2-3 tbsps. poppyseed
  • 1 egg


  • Defrost puff pastry and roll to 2-3 mm thickness.
  • Coat pastry with the oil and sprinkle generously with sugar and poppyseed mix.
  • Roll pastry to the tube and cut in 0,7-1 cm thickness chunks.
  • Put cookies in to the baking tray, lined with baking paper, and coat with beaten egg.
  • Bake in the preheated to 200°C oven about 10-15 minutes.
  • Enjoy!

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