
Cute hedgehogs

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Cute hedgehogs

Author: Aušra


My little girl every day asks to make something for her lunch at school. She bought a few days in cafeteria her lunch, but anyway she keeps asking me for homemade lunch. So I wanted to surprise my girl and made these hedgehogs. She liked them a lot and I already baked them twice. It”s very easy. We enjoyed them with creamy curry dip. Give it a try and surprise your kids too!

Cute hedgehogs

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 289 kcal / 1 serving


  • 3 sheets puff pastry (from pack with 6 sheets)
  • ~200 g minced meat, prepared for patties
  • 1-2 black olives
  • 1 egg, for coating


  • Defrost puff pastry and roll a little bit. Each sheet cut in half.
  • From minced meat form oblong meatballs, put on one side of puff pastry and roll to small log. One side of puff pastry you can brush with water, that will help to stick pastry sides easily. Edges of the log press and form nice hedgehog face and butt.
  • Take scissor and form spikes – with scissor tips cut a little bit pastry.
  • Put hedgehogs on a baking tray lined with baking paper. From olives cut eyes and insert them into hedgehog face.
  • Bake in a preheated to 200°C oven, while spikes will puff a little bit and starts to brown.
  • Take hedgehogs from oven and coat with beaten egg. Put again into the oven and bake while all hedgehogs will brown nicely. All baking time for me was about 30 minutes. Enjoy!

Source: Laikas į virtuvę

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