
Golden fish cakes

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Golden fish cakes

Author: Aušra


Quite easy fish cakes that you can make using ordinary products. Expecially good for using mashed potatoes leftovers. We don’t like fish very much, but this dish we liked even a lot 🙂 Next to this fish cakes you’ll have to serve only salads. I also liked sprinkling these cakes with lemon juice.

Golden fish cakes

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 554 kcal / serving


  • 500 g potatoes, cut in cubes
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • 500 g cod or salmon fillet
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 9 black peppercorns
  • 60 g butter
  • 4 tbsps. parsley, chopped
  • 1 lemon peel
  • Tabasco to taste (optional)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 175 g fresh bread crumbs
  • oil for frying


  • Boil salted water and put in it potatoes. Boil about 15-20 minutes or until the will be soft.
  • In other pot pour milk, put fish, bay leaf, peppercorns. Bring to boil, then reduce the heat and boil 10 minutes or till fish will be done (but don’t overcook).
  • Take out it from the pot, but don’t pour out the liquid.
  • Cool the fish and chop up.
  • Stain off potatoes and mash with butter and 3 tablespoons liquid that you reserved from the fish.
  • Put fish, parsley, lemon peel, Tabasco, salt, pepper and mix everything well.
  • Form 8 cakes (7 cm diameter), coat with egg and then with bread crumbs.
  • Heat oil in a pan and fry both sides for about 5 minutes, or till they will be golden brown.
  • Serve hot with a sauce.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Mary Berry. Klasikinė virtuvė (Alma littera, 2005)

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