

  • Cheesecake
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Author: Aušra


This year we met at home only with kids. So the preparation for the evening wasn’t much. This cake in all recipe sources got a lot of compliments. I agree with them – it’s really good and simple. I used 26cm cake form. And I really suggest you to warm the mascarpone and condensed milk mixture, because if you won’t do it you’ll get lumps when you pour gelatine (Then I had to put the mixture in a warm bath and wait till mixture warms and lumps dissolve).


Time needed:
Yields: 12 servings
Calories: 424 kcal / serving


  • For the base:
  • 225 g cookies (I used chocolate cookies)
  • 100 g butter, melted
  • 100 g nuts (I used pecans)
  • For the filling:
  • 500 g mascarpone cheese
  • 1 can (385 g) sweetened condensed milk
  • 250 g cream, 35% fat
  • 3 tbsps. gelatine(I used Dr.Oetker, I used 2 1/2 tbsps.)
  • cinnamon for dusting


  • Put nuts in a blender and blend a little bit.
  • Then put cookies and blend till the crumbs.
  • Pour melted butter and mix.
  • Put cookie mixture in a cake form lined with foil. Cover bottom and sides of the form. Put in a refrigerator.
  • Pour over gelatine some water and let bloat (if you pour too much water, when gelatine bloats put it into a sieve and let water to run off).
  • Mix mascarpone cheese and condensed milk, warm a little bit.
  • Beat cold cream till the rigid foam.
  • Mix in the cheese and milk mixture cream and dissolved gelatine.
  • Pour the filling in a cake form.
  • Coat with cinnamon and put in a refrigerator for 3 hour or more.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Saulėta virtuvė and Savaitgalio rendez-vous

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