
Pasta with corn

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Pasta with corn

Author: Aušra


This dish is a winner for my kids! It’s very very quick and super simple. Even kids can prepare it. But I save it only for the time when I’m very tired or don’t want to stay in a kitchen for a long time. This dish is a little bit sweet because of the corn, maybe that’s why kids like it. But I have to warn you – make it only if you really like corn. My kids like pasta and corn so much that they even don’t notice that there is onion too 🙂

Pasta with corn

Time needed:
Yields: 2 servings
Calories: 262 kcal / serving


  • 150-200 g pasta
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 can corn
  • butter or oil
  • salt


  • Boil water, season with salt and pour pasta into it.
  • While pasta is boiling, in a pan melt butter or heat oil. Finely chop onion and saute in a pan.
  • Then pour over onions corn with a liquid, season with salt and heat a little bit.
  • Mix pasta with a corn and serve.
  • Enjoy!

Source: То, что люблю… Люблю готовить

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