
Beetroot, cashew and feta salads

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Beetroot, cashew and feta salads

Author: Aušra


Don’t know why but this autumn I’m hooked on beetroot. Every weekend I boil some beetroot and through the week I incorporate them in our dishes. And then story repeats. When I wanted for dinner something light, I prepared these salads. By the way, this recipe in the book is called carpaccio, but I think it’s more salads, and the name is more usual and not so fancy 🙂 . Family girls enjoy them, the big boy ate them and just said that more balsamic vinegar would be better, and the little boy as always, prepared some theater and then ate them, just without enjoyment. So I remember these salads as they are fit for girls 🙂 And I prepared very similar salads with hazelnuts, and they were very good too. So as always – don’t be afraid to experiment and correct ingredients by your refrigerator or cupboard products.

Beetroot, cashew and feta salads

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 330 kcal / serving


  • 3 medium (250 g) beetroot, boiled
  • 150 g Feta cheese
  • 100 g cashew nuts
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsps. oil
  • 100 g arugula
  • salt
  • black peppers, freshly grind


  • Peel beetroot, thinly slice and place on plates nicely.
  • Bake cashew on a clean pan, till they will smell nutty and cashew starts to brown (don’t leave them alone, because the can burn very quickly).
  • Put on beetroot arugula, cashews and crumbled feta.
  • Sprinkle salads with oil and vinegar mix.
  • Season with salt and peppers.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Gaminame be viryklės. Lengvai ir greitai (Laisvos valandos, 2012)

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