
Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks

  • Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
  • Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks
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Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks

Author: Aušra


Usually I make granola in summer, when it’s hot outside and no one wants to eat porridge. But when last week I tried new recipe for granola bars and I had only crumbs, my kids ate it just like usual granola for breakfast. And then they asked to make more granola. So I make my favourite at this moment granola. Kids’ favourite granola will have to wait a little bit. They enjoy this granola too, just for them I had to add chocolate with more sugar.

Pumpkin granola with chocolate chunks

Time needed:
Yields: 10 servings
Calories: 239 kcal / serving

1 cup = 237 ml

  • 4 cups oat flakes
  • 2 tsps. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. dried ginger
  • pinch salt
  • 8 tbsps. pumpkin puree
  • 8 tbsps. honey or agave nectar (if honey is hard, first warm it)
  • 2 tbsps. coconut oil or oil of your choice (or just skip it)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract (I used vanilla sugar)
  • 100 g chocolate


  • Turn oven on and set 150°C temperature.
  • In a bowl mix oats, cinnamon, ginger and salt.
  • In another smaller bowl mix pumpkin puree, honey, coconut oil and vanilla extract.
  • Pour wet ingredients to the dry ingredients bowl and mix. No dry oats should be left.
  • Pour mixture in a baking tray, lined with baking paper. Put baking tray into the oven.
  • Bake about 30-40 minutes mixing every 10 minutes. Baking time depends on your oven, so bake till oats will be mild brown colour.
  • Let cool granola and only then mix chopped chocolate.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Kingfield Kitchen

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