
Bread sticks with paprika and sesame

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Bread sticks with paprika and sesame

Author: Aušra


Very good snack. Kids came from the kinder-garden and ate only these sticks till none was left. I had to hide some for photo session. I baked them already two times. The first time I rolled sticks in sesame seeds, but the next day I had joy cleaning all house with vacuum-cleaner from the seeds 🙂 The next time I put sesame seeds inside the dough and it was more practical and the taste didn’t differ very much.

Bread sticks with paprika and sesame

Time needed:
Yields: 20 sticks
Calories: 54 kcal / stick


  • 250 g flour
  • 5 g dry active yeast
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsps. paprika
  • 175 ml water, warm
  • 25 g sesame seeds (if you want to roll sticks in sesame you gonna need 25 g sesame seeds more)


  • Sift the flour, salt and paprika.
  • Add yeast, sesame seeds and water.
  • Knead the dough and let rise for an hour in warm place.
  • Then on the floured surface form from the dough 15 x 30 cm rectangular. Cut dough in about 1cm thickness sticks.
  • If you want to roll sticks in the sesame, now you have to do it.
  • Over wind the sticks and put on the floured (or lined with the baking paper) baking tray.
  • Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.
  • Bake in 220°C preheated oven for 8 minutes.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Школа гастронома 2010-03 (149)

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