
Gingerbread house

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Gingerbread house

Author: Aušra


I was waiting Christmas from September but when they came deep in the heart I was already waiting for the spring 🙂 It’s good that for Christmas everything was planned and I knew that maybe it”s the first and the last Christmas when I can spend a lot of time doing something for them. So I didn’t hesitate and did almost everything I could. That’s why in this blog before Christmas there was no entries – I didn’t want that the surprise presents were known before getting them.

This (now it’s last) year I made gingerbread cookies for the first time. And I wasn’t lazy so I made two gingerbread houses. This cute house was brought to my son”s group in the kinder-garden. I finished it in tree days without a hurry 🙂 The first day was set for baking the houses, the second – for building those houses, the third – for baking and making decorations. It was fun 🙂 and scary – when I wanted to show houses to my kids and one of them started to rip the Christmas tree while the other tried to take off the door from the other house 🙂 And then I had to hear a lot of prayers “Mommy, please please please let me eat this house”, my heart was aching saying “Sorry, not now”. I regret to say that we didn’t taste neither of houses… The second house went left in the place where we celebrated Christmas. Who ate it said that it was very tasty (what can you expect when lickerish family eats the house for whose decorations was used half kilogram of sugar powder?) 🙂

Now I will try to write down all sources of ideas/recipes that next time when I decide to make gingerbread houses I could spend less time browsing the web 🙂

The template of the house is taken from Martha Stewart”s website

The dough for the houses I made like Arūnė from Arūnės trupiniai

The houses were glued and the snow was made from royal icing. The proportions for royal icing I used: 1 egg white, 200 g sugar powder and pinch of lemon acid. This amount was enough for building the houses and make a little bit of snow on the roof. But for icicles and to cover all roofs with snow I had to make royal icing two more times. So in total I made white royal icing three times.

I tried to make almond herringbone from Neringos blog, but baked sponge-cakes” tops were very slender so herringbones bow down. I was afraid to proceed with Neringa recipe descriptions so I just one more time prepared royal icing, coloured it with green food colour and sprinkle with it herringbone” sponge-cakes. But what can I say… the wind was very strong and for more it started to snow so my herringbone were leaning.

Next it was time for snowmen. I saw very beautiful snowmen in Minjina Kuhinjica blog but I used only visual material for making snowmen” scarfs. My snowmen are made of Coconut candies that I saw in Jogos mityba

Snowmen scarfs I made from Chewits candies.

I think I wrote all the sources. Hope that it will be helpful not only for me in the future but for someone else more 🙂

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