
Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables

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Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables

Author: Aušra


These mini pies are very delicious and warm, and cold. I thought I will miss meat, but I didn’t. I thought to bring them to work for lunch, but I couldn’t because we ate them all for breakfast…

Ratatouilletarte or mini pies with vegetables

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 334 kcal / serving


  • Dough:
  • 300 ml flour
  • pinch salt
  • 100 g margarine or butter
  • 2-3 tbsps. water
  • Filling:
  • 1 onion
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 200 g pumpkin (I used zucchini)
  • 1 tbsp. oil
  • 50 ml tomatoes paste
  • 50 ml water
  • 1 tsp. thyme
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • pinch black pepper
  • 200-300 ml grated cheese


  • Cut butter with flour and salt. Use blender if you have one.
  • Pour water and knead the dough. Fold in plastic film and chill about 30 minutes in the fridge.
  • Meanwhile prepare the filling. Peel and chop onion.
  • Rinse, de-seed and cut in small cubes bell pepper.
  • Rinse and cut in small cubes pumpkin or zucchini.
  • In a pan heat the oil and braise onions, bell pepper and pumpkin or zucchini.
  • Put tomato paste, season and pour water. Then boil everything uncovered on the low heat about 10 minutes or till almost all the liquid will sink into the vegetables.
  • Cool vegetables.
  • Put the dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper and roll out about 25 cm diameter circle. Turn down edges an form small border. Or you can divide the dough to 4-6 parts and line with it 10 cm diameter mini pie forms.
  • Prick the bottom with a fork.
  • Turn the oven to 225°C heat and bake pie crust about 10 minutes on the middle rack.
  • The put the filling and sprinkle with cheese.
  • Bake 10-15 minutes more.
  • Serve still warm with green salads. Enjoy!

Source: Didžioji virtuvės knyga (Alma littera, 2004)

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