
Pasta with cheese and tomatoes sauce

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Pasta with cheese and tomatoes sauce

Author: Aušra


This pasta is very warming because of the chilli pepper, so if you eat with your kids, be ready to hear that it’s hot. My kids said so, but ate anyway 🙂 . The recipe looks very simple, but proportions are really great and all process is really simple. So I say, that you should try it for sure!

Pasta with cheese and tomatoes sauce

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 409 kcal / serving


  • 400 g pasta
  • 2 tbsps. butter
  • 100-200 g pork
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 can (400 g) chopped or 500 g fresh tomatoes
  • 2 small hot peppers (I used I small dried)
  • pinch parsley (I used dried)
  • 200 g cheese, grated
  • salt
  • black peppers


  • Cut pork into stripes. Peel and chop onion and garlic.
  • In a pan melt butter and fry in it pork. Then put in onion and garlic. And after some minutes pour chopped tomatoes and put hot peppers (whole). Season with salt and peppers. On a small heat let simmer for about 10 minutes.
  • Meanwhile boil water and boil pasta in it. Don’t overboil, pasta should be a little bit tough. Sieve pasta, but reserve about a cup of broth.
  • Pour pasta and broth in a pan with a sauce. Put grated cheese and chopped parsley. Mix everything well. Simmer mixing for a few minutes, while pasta will be soft and the cheese will spread well.
  • Serve and enjoy slowly, not to overburn your mouth! 🙂

Source: Lengvi receptai II (Laisvos valandos, 2009)

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