
Layered cheese and beetroot salads

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Layered cheese and beetroot salads

Author: Aušra


Very delicious salads. Sad that photo doesn’t present the real taste.

Layered cheese and beetroot salads

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 620 kcal / serving


  • 500 g beetroots, cooked
  • 300 g cheese
  • 4 eggs, boiled
  • 4-5 pickled cucumbers
  • 200 g green peas, frozen
  • Dressing:
  • 270 g mayonnaise
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 1 tsp. lemon pepper seasoning


  • Grate beetroots, cheese and eggs, cut cucumbers.
  • Pour boiling water over the green peas and sieve them.
  • Prepare the dressing – mix all ingredients.
  • Put everything in layers: first of all put green peas, eggs, and pour half the dressing. Then put grated beetroots, cucumbers and cheese. Pour the left dressing.
  • Keep in a refrigerator from 2 to 12 hours.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Lengvi receptai I (Laisvos valandos, 2011)

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