
Satisfying cheese and ham salads

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Satisfying cheese and ham salads

Author: Aušra


Everyone was happy to eat them 🙂 Of course – it doesn’t contain onion or garlic, which my children don’t like. I did only a half of portion, but after a few minutes my hubby rolled up the sleeves and made these salads again just all by him self because it’s hard to narrate how he liked them 🙂 A lot of products have a strong taste, so I recommend you to substitute some mayonnaise with sour cream or natural yoghurt. And I say that you can have these salads in a blink 🙂

Satisfying cheese and ham salads

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 769 kcal / serving


  • 400 g cheese
  • 300 g ham
  • 3-4 pickled cucumbers
  • 200-300 ml mayonnaise
  • 100 ml natural yoghurt
  • dills, chopped


  • Cut cheese, ham and cucumbers in stripes or cubes.
  • Mix mayonnaise with natural yoghurt and pour it over salads.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Virtuvė taupantiems 1 dalis (Ekspress leidyba, 2009)

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