
Minced meat and cheese bake

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Minced meat and cheese bake

Author: Aušra


This dish is perfect when you have minced meat prepared for meat balls but you don’t want to stand near the pan. It can be prepared in advance and put in a refrigerator. Then even my hubby can bake it. My family just loves this bake, maybe it’s because of the cheese, but I love it because of it’s simplicity.

Minced meat and cheese bake

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 371 kcal / 1 serving


  • 400 g minced meat for meatballs (or 300g minced meat +seasonings and bread)
  • 100 g cheese, grated
  • 3 tbsps. sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. butter


  • Coat baking form bottom with butter (you can skip this step if using silicon form).
  • Spread minced meat in a pan.
  • Sprinkle on top cheese and pour over sour cream.
  • Bake in a preheated to 180°С oven about 1 hour. Enjoy!

Source: Irisha-Irishka

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