
Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries

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Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries

Author: Aušra


This cake is really simple. Only the base is very crumbly. Next time I will add a little bit more butter. But… maybe it”s because I used not oat cookies but shortbread cookies. My hubbe even frightened me – took one bite and moved plate toward me… The first thought – he didn”t like it. BUT I was very happy when he asked to put MORE! 🙂

Cheesecake with almonds and blueberries

Time needed:
Yields: 10 servings
Calories: 193 kcal / serving


  • Base:
  • 150 g oat cookies
  • 50 g butter, melted
  • 50 g almonds
  • Cream:
  • 200 g mascarpone or othre creame cheese
  • 100 ml sugar powders
  • 300 ml cream, 30% fat
  • 100 ml fresh mashed blueberries or their jam
  • 1 tbsp. gelatine


  • Grind cookies and almonds and mix with melted butter.
  • Press the mixture to the 24 cm diameter cake form, lined with baking paper, bottom. Put form to the fridge.
  • Pour some water over gelatine and let bloat.
  • Mix room temperature cream cheese with sugar powders and disolved gelatine. Carefully mix in beated cream.
  • Put mashed blueberries and mix only a little bit.
  • Put prepared cream on the base of cake and chill for a few hours or overnight in a cool place.
  • Before serving decorate by your fantasy or possibilities 🙂 Enjoy!

Source: Lengvi receptai III (Laisvos valandos)

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