
Chicken, marinated in a sweet chilli sauce

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Chicken, marinated in a sweet chilli sauce

Author: Aušra


We love chicken, but it’s very hard to find good chicken marinade to bake it on the grill. And know I know that it’s not the fault of the recipes, it’s because we a lot of time overbake it. The last time we baked chicken on the grill I was walking around the grill and watched that no one overbaked it 🙂 I looked strange, but… what can we do if we want to taste food good 🙂

Chicken, marinated in a sweet chilli sauce

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 369 kcal / serving

1 cup = 237 ml

  • 1 kg chicken fillet
  • 1/3 cup sweet chilli sauce
  • 2 tbsps. fish sauce
  • 2 tsps. ginger, freshly grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • salt
  • 1 tbsp. parsley, chopped


  • In a bowl mix all marinade ingredients.
  • Put chicken and marinade for a few hours, or better overnight.
  • Bake on a grill, but in the oven also possible. Bake very shortly on both sides. It’s really easy to overbake chicken and it will be very dry, so be carefull.
  • Before serving sprinkle with chopped parsleys.
  • Enjoy!


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