
Grainy curd and tomato salads

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Grainy curd and tomato salads

Author: Aušra


It’s almost summer so we could wait anymore for fresh vegetables from our own garden and started to by tomatoes, cucumbers and salads. Now we can eat salads for lunch and dinner. But I’m looking carefully to the future and seeking new ideas for great refreshing food. One of the findings is this salads. It looks very simple, but all ingredients are balanced and suits each other. And for the best it is so quickly prepared that you can make it for lunch – just chop vegetables in the morning and by some curd before going to the office. 😉

Grainy curd and tomato salads

Time needed:
Yields: 2 small servings
Calories: 150 kcal / serving


  • 2-3 tomatoes
  • 10 big black olives
  • 200 g grainy curd
  • dill
  • basil
  • salt
  • peppers


  • Cut tomatoes in big cubes and place on a plate.
  • Cut olives in half and put over tomatoes.
  • Sprinkle with chopped dills and basils.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • On top put grainy curd.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Spicecoat”s blog

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