
Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce

  • Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce
  • Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce
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Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce

Author: Aušra


Almost every weekend we try to do something tasty. It doesn’t have to be sweet. So this time I suggest you lavash chips with blue cheese sauce. You will make them in half an hour for sure. And they are really healthier option for patoto chips.

Some my notices. When you sprinkle lavash with salt – be careful, because cheese sauce is quite salty. If you are afraid that onion greens will fall of the chips – don’t be, they really don’t fall that easy. Also, I noticed that super markets sell lavash from a few companies, they are a little bit different in thickness. So I recommend to use thinnest – chips will be more brittle.

Lavash chips with blue cheese sauce

Time needed:
Yields: 6 servings
Calories: 251 kcal / 1 serving


  • For lavash chips:
  • 1 big lavash
  • 25 g butter, melted
  • salt with seasonings
  • 1 tbsp. green onions, chopped (optional)
  • For the blue cheese sauce:
  • 30 g butter, room temperature
  • 100 g blue cheese (I used Memel Blue)
  • 2 tsps. sweet white wine (I changed to water)
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • 1 tsp. dried oregano (I changed to basil and parsley)
  • salt (I didn’t use)
  • peppers


  • Bend out lavash and coat with melted butter. Sprinkle with seasoned salt and chopped green onions.
  • Cut lavash into desired forms and put on a baking tray.
  • Bake in a preheated to 175°C oven 5 minutes. My advice – bake one tray at a time, because in other case you will have to bake chips longer and you will have to watch that they didn’t over bake.
  • While the last tray of chips is baking, prepare the sauce. To a blender bowl add cheese, butter, sour cream, wine and dried herbs. Blend untill solid texture. If needed, season with salt and peppers.
  • Pour sauce in a bowl and serve with lavash chips. Enjoy!

Source: Lengvi receptai I (Laisvos valandos)

  1. […] the way, long time before I made salty lavash chips, so this version of chips will be perfect for kids […]

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