
Omelette with cheese

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Omelette with cheese

Author: Aušra


I know, I know this is not some super stunning recipes, but this omelette is baked in our house almost every week, or when no bread we have at home, or when sandwiches starts to get boring. My kids don’t like simple omelette or baked eggs, but this is with cheese. And it buys my kids 🙂 Usually I prepare it without recipe, but I don’t like recipes without measurements so I give you exact recipe.

Omelette with cheese

Time needed:
Yields: 1 serving
Calories: 125 kcal / 1 serving


  • 1 egg
  • 1-1 ½ tbsp. water
  • 1-1 ½ tbsp. grated cheese
  • 1 tsp. butter
  • salt
  • peppers


  • In a bowl beat egg with water, seasonings and grated cheese.
  • Heat the pan and melt the butter. Then pour egg mixture in it. Let thicken.
  • When bottom will brown nicely flip it over. Or if you have pan that can be put in an oven, put it in the oven with a grill mode. Don’t overbake omelette, because some fluid can separate.
  • Serve hot or cold. Enjoy!

Source: S.Maso, O.Relvė – Sumuštiniai (Šviesa, 1988)

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