
Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples

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Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples

Author: Aušra


This pie may look strange at first, but we tried it twice and we liked it. Apples gives sweet and Tabasco – spicy tastes. And this pie doesn’t require eggs, so the filling is not so solid but it’s not crumbly also. I and my son liked the pie crust – it’s with whole wheat flour, so it crumbles a little bit more than usual with only white wheat flour, but it has some charm in it.

Minced meat and cabbage pie with curry and apples

Time needed:
Yields: 8 servings
Calories: 305 kcal / 1 serving


  • For the pie crust:
  • 150 ml whole wheat flour
  • 150 ml wheat flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 tbsps. water
  • For the filling:
  • 300 g minced meat
  • 1/2 leek or 1 onion
  • 100 g cabbage
  • 2 small apples
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tsp. curry
  • 1-1 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce
  • 1/2 tsp. soya sauce
  • 50 g cheese
  • pinch black peppers


  • Chop flour, butter and salt, it’s better to use blender. Pour water and quickly knead dough. Fold it in food film and put in a cold place.
  • Wash and cut in to thin stripes leek and cabbage. Deseed, peel and grate apples.
  • Heat pan with butter and fry minced meat with leek. Season with curry. Add cabbage and apples, then season with peppers, salt, Tabasco and soya sauces. If mixture looks dry, add a little bit of water. Heat the mixture.
  • Roll the dough and line with it 26 cm diameter baking form. Then cover with foil or baking paper, pour over it some weight (dried peas or beans). Bake 10 minutes in a preheated to 225°C oven.
  • Put filling on a prebaked crust. Sprinkle over it grated cheese and bake 20 minutes more or while cheese will melt.
  • Serve warm with salads. Enjoy!

Source: Didžioji virtuvės knyga (Alma Littera, 2004)

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