
Home-made burger with Havarti cheese

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Home-made burger with Havarti cheese

Author: Aušra


When outside is so hot that no one wants to cook, but you get hungry anyway. Thus, in the late evening, when the weather began to cool down at least a little bit, we heated our hand-made grill and cooked burgers. Meat preparation is described below, and then all is left – to make your burgers to your taste and preferences. We used rolls, lettuce, tomato slices, several kinds of sauces and of course cheese. Burgers turned out incredibly tasty, perhaps because of the cheese, maybe because of grilled rolls, or maybe just because we did them at home after a very long break. They tasted even better than those bought for sure.

I want to talk a little bit more about the cheese that we used on burgers, because for us it was a discovery. We used Arla company cheese Havarti. It is very fat and soft, so on a hot day it just melts in sight. And that is very good because you don’t need to grill, you just put it on a hot patty and that’s it – it melts.

By the way, on vacations we were in Sweden and tasted a lot of kinds of Arla company cheese. Some were unusual for us, but it was really very tasty. Unfortunately, here in Lithuania apparently again we will have to wait for new products.

Home-made burger with Havarti cheese

Time needed:
Yields: 4 big servings
Calories: kcal / serving


  • 500 g minced beef
  • 2 tbsps. Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tsps. Dijon mustards
  • 1 onion, chopped and fried in a little bit oil
  • 3 tbsps. oat brans
  • salt
  • black peppers


  • Meat must be prepared in advance – mix all ingredients and seasonings.
  • Then line tray with food film.
  • The best way to shape meat patties is a ring. Or you can improvise – take a plastic bottle, cut out the ring. Just need to watch to get the ring a little bit bigger than the diameter of the rolls, because the meat during cooking shrinks.
  • According buns sizes divide the meat into equal sized balls. For example, for rolls IMK and Skrudink with cheese I took 70g. of meat, and for rolls Tip Top – 30g.
  • Then, with a forming ring placed on the tray, put meatballs inside and using your fingers flatten. It’s very important that the meat patty edges were not thin.
  • Prepare all the meat patties the same way. The cover food film and put in the fridge to marinate.
  • When the grill will be prepared for meat roasting, remove the meat from the refrigerator and bake on the grill. Once we tried to coat meat with oil before grilling, but the meat burned, and then we grilling meat without oil and it didn’t stick to the rack. So we decided that if the grill is well heated, then the meat will not stick.
  • Before making your burger, we definitely recommend to grill rolls for a few minutes to brown. This provides a very pleasant crispiness.
  • Make burger from your selected products. This time we used sauces, tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. Next time I will use fried bacon, and pickled cucumbers.
  • Enjoy!

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