
Layered salads with minced meat

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Layered salads with minced meat

Author: Aušra


This salads are quick and easy to prepare. We made them a couple of times last year, and remembered this year too. Although salad photo in a plate is not so good, but it taste very good anyway 😉

Layered salads with minced meat

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 443 kcal / serving


  • 300 g minced turkey meat (sometimes I use lean pork minced meat)
  • 4 hard boiled eggs
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 head lettuce
  • coriander or dills, chopped
  • 200 ml natural yoghurt
  • 200 ml non-fat mayonnaise
  • salt
  • peppers


  • Fry minced meat in a pan with some oil. Season with salt and peppers. Let cool.
  • In a plate put choped salads and sprinkle with coriander.
  • Evenly sprinkle fried minced meat.
  • Then put sliced boiled eggs and tomatoes.
  • Mix mayonnaise and yoghurt in a bowl. Season with salt and peppers.
  • Pour sauce over salads and garnish with coriander or dill leaves.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Sveikos šeimos virtuvė (Ekspress leidyba, 2008)

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