
Rolls with feta

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Rolls with feta

Author: Aušra


Yesterday for dinner we had only soup, so I decided to bake these coissants for stronger food. Coissants and soup were perfect together.

Rolls with feta

Time needed:
Yields: 24 servings
Calories: 168 kcal / serving


  • Dough:
  • 450 g flour
  • 200 g butter or margarine
  • 35 g fresh or 3 tsp. dry yeast
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1/2 tsp. sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Filling:
  • 250 g feta
  • 2 tbsp. fresh or 1 tsp. dried basil
  • Coating:
  • 1 egg


  • Put dry ingredients and butter to the blender bowl. Blend till you get crumbs.
  • Pour lukewarm milk and knead soft dough.
  • Divide dough to three balls and roll 30 cm diameter circles. Cut them in 8 parts.
  • Crush feta and mix with basil.
  • Put teaspoon of filling on each dough part and roll into rolls.
  • Put rolls on baking tray, let rise and coat with an egg.
  • Bake 12-15 minutes at 225°C in the oven.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Lengvi receptai I (Laisvos valandos, 2011)

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