
Cookies with cottage cheese

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  • Cookies with cottage cheese
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Cookies with cottage cheese

Author: Aušra


Once great grandparents brought from the farmer market home made cottage cheese for there beloved grandchildren. But the cheese wasn’t so delicious as everyone wanted so for a long time it sat quietly in the corner of a fridge and waited. But the day has come when this cheese was used for unsweetened cookies, that tasted something between cookies and baked cottage pancakes. Everyone was happy – children, because they got tasty snack, cottage cheese – because at last he was useful, and parents – that didn’t throw away spend money.

Cookies with cottage cheese

Time needed:
Yields: 30 cookies
Calories: 89 kcal / cookie


  • 250 g flour
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese, blended
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • pinch salt
  • pinch paprika
  • sesame seeds to sprinkle cookies


  • Mix flour, cottage cheese and butter with spices in a blender till crumbs.
  • Put egg yolk and knead till the dough will be solid.
  • Fold it in a foil or plastic food film and put in a fridge for an hour.
  • Roll the dough to 5 mm thick sheet. Cut with cookie forms cookies or just cut with a knife in to rectangulars.
  • Coat eat cookie with beaten egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Bake in a 180°C preheated oven till cookies lightly browns.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Magazine Pagrandukas. Tea (from very old old times…)

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