
Sourdough rye bread

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Sourdough rye bread

Author: Aušra


I bake this bread more then a year. But as always, the best recipes hardly reach the blog 🙂 Because I bake it very often and know all ingredients in my head. This bread is perfect. Really 🙂 After founding this bread I don’t buy any bread at store. Or maybe just in big gatherings when I don’t have time to bake more of this bread. 🙂

Sourdough rye bread

Time needed:
Yields: 2 loaves
Calories: 1616 kcal / loaf


  • 50 g sesame seeds
  • 50 g flax seeds
  • 50 g sunflower seeds
  • 50 g rolled oats
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tbsp. crushed coriander (optional)
  • 2 tbsps. caraway seeds
  • 200 g whole wheet flour
  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 100 g rye flour
  • 150-200 ml rye sourdough
  • 500-600 ml water
  • 2 tsps. salt


  • Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.
  • In another bowl mix sourdough and water.
  • Mix wet and dry ingredients. The dough has to be stiff but still fall from the spoon by itself.
  • Divide dough to two baking pans, coated with oil and flour. Put to the warm place to rise. You can put baking pans to the oven, turned to 40°C. It will take about 4 hours to rise the dough. If you don’t want to use oven, then rising process depends on the warmth in the kitchen, it can take 8 hours.
  • Turn on oven to 180°C and bake bread (in not preheated oven) about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Put bread in lower position then oven middle.
  • When the bread is baked, take from the oven and let stand a few minutes. Then cut with the knife sides and take bread out of the pans. Put on wirerack and cover with wet towel and let cool completely.
  • The best time to eat bread – next day. Store bread on wirerack covered with dry towel.

Source: Vedų Kultūros Centras

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