
Dumplings with scalded dough

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Dumplings with scalded dough

Author: Aušra


It’s super easy but super good! I couldn”t imagine that I will like it so much. Before I tried this dough, dumplings at my house was really a guest. But now I prepare them with meat, curd or other chosen filling. My family likes it. I saw that Skanus gyvenimas prepared very similar dumpling dough but with eggs. I didn”t tried it yet, but sure it should taste even more better. But anyway, the recipe below gives very plastic, not sticking, unshrinkable dough. It”s a little bit like plasteline 🙂 And I just love it.

Dumplings with scalded dough

Time needed:
Yields: 8 servings
Calories: 225 kcal / serving


  • 750 ml flour
  • 3 tbsps. oil
  • 250 ml boiling water
  • 1 tsp. salt


  • Mix flour, oil, sald and boiling water with a spoon.
  • Let cool a little bit, and when it won’t be hot for your hand, start kneading the dough. Soon it should become smooth and non sticking.
  • Prepared dough roll out, fill with chosen filling and form dumplings. Boil in salted boiling water for about 3 minutes.
  • Enjoy with all your family!

Source: hobis

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