
Chilled dough cookies with walnuts

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Chilled dough cookies with walnuts

Author: Aušra


I have no time to do nothing 🙂 My job is taking all my time. Good news that it will not last forever. So I have no time to bake cookies or pies, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting some sweets. And these cookies are perfect – you can form a log and then put in a freezer for later bake, when you will have no spare time.

Chilled dough cookies with walnuts

Time needed:
Yields: 50 cookies
Calories: 55 kcal / cookie


  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 125 g butter
  • 125 g sugar (next time I will use 100g)
  • 60 g walnuts, finely chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. vanilla essence


  • Sift the flour and baking powders.
  • Add butter and crumble with the fingers till small crumbs.
  • Mix in sugar and walnuts.
  • Pour in the egg and vanilla essence. Mix the dough.
  • Form about 5cm diameter log and fold in the foil or baking paper. Roll a little bit that sides were even. Put in a fridge for about 8 ours.
  • Line baking tray with the baking paper.
  • Cut dough log in thin slices and put them on a baking tray.
  • Bake in 190°C preheated oven for about 10-12 minutes, or till become golden brown.
  • Happy crunching!

Source: Mary Berry. Klasikinė virtuvė (Alma littera, 2005)

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