
Healthy oat cookies

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Healthy oat cookies

Author: Aušra


I didn’t even imagined that they can be so popular 🙂 I just wanted to bake some cookies 🙂 But unexpectedly my coworker asked for the recipe and one guy (who also tasted these cookies) even a few times repeated that they are really good 🙂 What could I want more? Only that you tried them 🙂 It’s really easy but so good!

Healthy oat cookies

Time needed:
Yields: 40 cookies
Calories: 151 kcal / cookie


  • 250 ml sesame seeds
  • 250 ml coconut flakes
  • 500 ml rolled oats
  • 375 ml flour
  • 250 ml sugar
  • handful of rasins
  • handful of sunflower seeds
  • 2 eggs
  • 240 g butter


  • Heat the oven to 190°C.
  • In a bowl mix all dry ingredients.
  • In another bowl melt the butter, and when it will cool slightly, mix in eggs.
  • Then wet ingredients pour to the dry ones and mix.
  • Line baking tray with baking paper and with a teaspoon form cookies from the dough. Push them a little bit to make them flatter.
  • Bake about 20 minutes.
  • Enjoy!

Source: Tango su samčiais

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