
Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie

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Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie

Author: Aušra


When I saw this recipe, I knew – I will do it because I had all ingredients by the hand, even almond milk. And I can say that this is more dessert than smoothie, because it’s very dense. It was perfect for my hubby, who hates cow milk, and this smoothie he liked very very much. I think you can try cow milk instead of almond, but it won’t be raw 😉

Raw banana and peanut butter smoothie

Time needed:
Yields: 2 small servings
Calories: 176 kcal / serving

1 cup = 237 ml

  • 1 banana
  • 1 heaping tbsp. peanut butter (creamy)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 4 cubes ice (didn’t used)


  • Put all ingredients in the blender and mix till smooth consistency.
  • Enjoy!


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