
Raspberry Parfait

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Raspberry Parfait

Author: Aušra


This year we had a lot of raspberries. We ate them raw, made some new recipes, and still had some for freezing. I’m so happy about that, because now autumn started… and we started to go to school and kindergarden. The good thing that I am on vocations so I have quiet time to drink tea and to think what can I do good for my family.

This year I tried some new ice cream recipes, but when my hubby tried this dessert, he said that it’s the best one. And it’s really good, all my family just loved it (and I had to prepare it already a few times). And this dessert requires only a few minutes of your time.

Raspberry Parfait

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 396 kcal / serving


  • 200 g raspberries or other berries (frozen can be used)
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 100 ml sugar
  • 200 ml cream for beating
  • 2 tbsps. berry liqueur (I didn’t have one, so used simple vodka)


  • Crush berries and sieve through the fine mesh (if using frozen berries, defrost them first).
  • In a bowl mix egg yolks with sugar, while sugar will desolve. Mix in berry mixture and alcohol.
  • In another bowl beat cream to stiff peaks and carefully mix it to the berry mixture.
  • Pour everything into a bowl and put in a freezer for the night.
  • Before serving 1 or 2 hours, take dessert from the freezer and put into a fridge.
  • When till the serving will be left only 20 minutes, take it from the fridge and put in a hot water bowl for a few seconds (or you can use silicon mold like I did and there will be no troubles).
  • Then turn dessert on a plate and let sit for a few minutes more, to soften a little bit.
  • Decorate with berries and serve. Enjoy!

Source: Lengvi receptai III (Laisvos valandos)

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