
General Tso’s chicken

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  • General Tso’s chicken
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General Tso’s chicken

Author: Aušra


When you see recipe with famous name, you say that you should try. And after some time you understand that it is your family favourite dish. Like most of Asia dishes it’s quick in preparation and it’s super tasty.

There is a lot of versions of this dish history, but wikipedia says that it’s named after general Tso Tsung-tang. So you can find the same dish named General Tong, general Tang, or just general’s chicken. The first time this dish was prepared in America by chinese chefs. It was so popular that spread and now you can try this dish not only in China but all over the world.

General Tso’s chicken

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 461 kcal / 1 serving


  • 600 g chicken breast
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsps. very cold water
  • 150 g + 1 tbsp. corn starch (can be substituted with potato starch)
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • small chunk ginger roots
  • 200-300 ml water
  • 4 tbsps. soya sauce
  • 4 tbsps. sugar
  • 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
  • oil for frying
  • 1 hot pepper (sometimes I substitute with pinch of hot pepper powder)
  • onion greens, for serving


  • Cut chicken in one bite size chunks. Put it in a batter, prepared from 150 g starch, egg and ice water. Mix well to coat chicken bites from all sides.
  • Chop garlic and ginger. Cut hot pepper into diagonal slices. Cut onion greens into stripes.
  • Prepare the sauce – in a bowl mix water, soya sauce, vinegar and sugar. Mix while sugar dissolves.
  • Heat the pan, pour some oil and wait till it will be very hot. Then add chicken bites in one layer and fry from all sides. Don’t over bake, chicken should be crispy outside and juicy inside. Put baked chicken bites on paper kitchen towel to absorb oil. This way fry all chicken.
  • When all chicken is baked, to the pan add garlic and ginger. After about one minute add prepared sauce. Let boil and then add 1 tablespoon of starch mixed with a little amount of water. Let simmer while sauce thickens.
  • Put chicken bites into the sauce and heat a few minutes.
  • Before serving sprinkle chicken with onion greens and hot pepper. Serve with rice. Enjoy!

Source: some closed lithuanian food blog

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