
Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce

  • Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce
  • Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce
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Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce

Author: Aušra


Sometimes even when at home there is only a few products, you still can prepare satisfying meal. For this one you only need to buy canned tomatoes and chicken breast, other products – I guest almost everyone have at home. But I have to tell you this time you will have to spend some time preparing tomato sauce, but it’s worth that. I like it even more than store bought. But my kids don’t agree with me 🙂 But everyone has the right to choose.

Chicken breast with homemade tomato sauce

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings
Calories: 376 kcal / 1 serving


  • 4 chicken breasts
  • salt
  • black peppers
  • 1 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 2 tbsps. olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 400 g canned tomatoes without skin, chopped


  • Wash chicken breasts, dry up with paper towel. Put on a large baking paper or plastic film, cover with it and beat with meat hammer or rolling pin, that everywhere breast was the same thickness. Then sprinkle with salt, peppers and wheat flour. Set a side and prepare tomato sauce.
  • Heat on a low heat pot with one tablespoon of oil. Add onions and bake for 5 minutes, till it becomes soft. Then add garlic and bake mixing for 10 seconds more.
  • Add chopped tomatoes with the juice and boil. Then lower the heat and let simmer for 20 minutes, till sauce will be thick. Season with salt and peppers.
  • Heat on a medium heat pan with another tablespoon of oil. Add chicken breasts and bake on both sides for 5-8 minutes. While baking oil sizzles a lot so we cover pan with smaller size lid and press a little bit. This helps to brown chicken breast evenly also. Baked chicken take out and serve right away with prepared tomato sauce. Enjoy!

Source: Virtuvės ekspresas (Alma littera, 2010)

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