
Peach and blueberry dessert

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Peach and blueberry dessert

Author: Aušra


This weekend I decided that no matter what I will spend some time in the kitchen for my pleasure. Now I’m very happy because I did it. At first, I thought that I will make only simple jelly with peaches, but then I thought that I can make fancier dessert and added some cream cheese and blueberries on top. My family just loved it! Hubby said it’s even better than ice cream. So my time in the kitchen was worth it!

Peach and blueberry dessert

Time needed:
Yields: 4 servings


  • 1 big can peaches
  • 1 package peach jelly
  • 400 ml boiling water
  • 1 small lemon juice
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 100 g Greek yoghurt
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 2 tbsps. sugar
  • splash almond extract
  • handful blueberries


  • Strain off canned peaches. Cut in small chunks and put them in the glass.
  • Squeeze lemon juice in a small bowl.
  • In the bowl, pour boiling water and peach jelly. Mix until everything will dissolve.
  • Then divide prepared peach jelly on top of peach chunks.
  • Put peach jelly in a refrigerator still it will set.
  • In another bowl mix cream cheese, Greek yoghurt, all sugars and almond extract.
  • Spread cream on top on stiff peach jelly.
  • On top sprinkle clean blueberries.
  • If you have time, put dessert in a refrigerator – it will be more refreshing.
  • Enjoy!

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